The Ministry of KFAN Family Programs                                                                                                        

"Children are a gift from God; they are his reward. Children born to a young man are like sharp              arrows to defend him.  Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them. That man shall have

the help he needs when arguing with his enemies".  Psalm 127:3-5


Here at the Ministry of KFAN we have a motto that reads, "There Is No Perfect Family".  We know that both parents and caregivers along with their children, are subject to making mistakes, errors, misjudgements, and assumptions.  It never ceases to amaze us that employment comes with job descriptions but parenthood and childhood does not. So our focus in helping families to change the trajctory of their lives is divided in three different programs that encompasses the family - Kinship, Family, and Fathers.



Kansas Kinship Navigation Program















Birth Family Support Program















Men of Valor Fatherhood Program


Mighty Men of Valor have three distinct characteristics;

Strength, Courage & Passion.

Strength to endure hardships.

Courage to learn new things.

Passion to want to be the best man possible. 

As a father, you do not have to do it alone. 

There is Support, Understanding, Encouragement, & Trainings available for you. Help is but a phone call away.

“Fathering is not something perfect men do, but something that perfects the                                                                             man.” Frank Pittman













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© Kansas Family Advisory Network, Inc. Toll-Free: 1-800-969-5764 Local: 316-264-2400 Email: