Raising grandchildren or another relative's child in your home is beautiful yet demanding. No one ever expects to have to, but many family members and friends do make themselves available when and
if the need arises. However, raising someone else's child brings its own unique set of challenges.
But you don't
have to do it alone!
There is help
available just for you!
Kansas Kinship Navigator Program is available to:
- Provide Family Support Services
- Provide Budget Education/Planning
- Provide Parent Education Classes
- Accompany Families to Court
- Assist in Filling Out Paperwork
- Assist in applying for Child Care and/or Child Support
- Connect to Financial Resources
- Connect to Mental Health Services
- Connect to Substance Abuse Services
- Connect to Medical Services
- Connect to Housing Asisstance
- Connect to Child Development Education
- Connect to Support Groups
- Connect to Programs available for children
- Connect to other Community Resources
- Connect to legal services
Contact Randi Halonen KFAN's Kinship Navigator Program Manager & Ombudsman
at (316) 264-2400 or at Randi.Halonen@kfaninc.net
"Every day hundreds of thousands of grandparents, aunts and uncles, older siblings, and non-related extended family members step in to
keep children safe and nurtured when their parents cannot. CWLA* defines kinship care as the full-time protecting and nurturing of children by grandparents, aunts, uncles, godparents, older siblings,
non-related extended family members, and anyone to whom children and parents ascribe a family relationship, or who ‘go for kin’. Within this definition there are two populations of kinship
families: (a) informal, where children live with grandparents or other relatives and are not in child protective service custody; and (b) formal, where children are placed in the care of a relative
or non-related extended family member under the auspices of a public child welfare agency. Whether informally arranged among family members or formally supported by the child welfare system, it
is essential to affirm and support the considerable contributions of kinship caregivers".**
* CWLA means Child Welfare League of America
** Information from CWLA website