Information on this page is worthwhile information. Whether you are a staff member doing direct care, a birth, kinship, foster or adoptive family, or someone who just wants to learn
more. This information is for you.
KFAN Icebreaker Conversations memo
Family Guide Handbook This Handbook was written by Family Partners of the Kansas Family Advisory Network in partnership with the then named Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services, Children and Family Services. The new name for the agency is the Department for Children and Families, Prevention and Protection Services. Prevention and Protections Services Fami[...] Adobe Acrobat document [1.2 MB]
Right of Parents of Children in Foster Care It is important that every person working in child welfare understands the rights of parents. Rights of Parents of Children in Foster [...] Adobe Acrobat document [146.1 KB]
Shared Parenting and Alliance Building Shared parenting is nothing new, but it is often neglected or not encouraged. It is in the best interest of the birth families and their children that this comes back as being best practice in child welfare. Shared Parenting and Alliance Building.p[...] Adobe Acrobat document [166.6 KB]
The Role of Resource Parents An important role for resource parents is to build a relationship with the parents of the children in their care. It may not always be easy but it can be very beneficial to everyone involved. The Role of Resource Parents in Building[...] Adobe Acrobat document [179.5 KB]
Parenting a Child Who Has Been Sexually Abused This is a guide for Foster and Adoptive Parents f_abused.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [381.2 KB]
The Five Protective Factors Are the foundation of the Strengthening Families Approach. FiveProtectiveFactors.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [109.3 KB]
Parental Resilence Action Sheet Being a parent can be joyous and stressful time. ProtectiveFactorsActionSheets.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [344.9 KB]